A Step-by-Step Guide to Dressing Your Family for Portraits

Just a quick pop in to share the link to the post I wrote for Wichita Mom’s Blog:

Dressing for Family Portraits: A Photographer’s Guide

I absolutely love helping my clients realize the direction and vision for their shoot and then helping them piece together the look with clothes, location, etc.  Wardrobe can be so inspiring for a photographer and completely change the overall vibe by swapping out just one or two items.  I use the steps I shared in the post with my own clients so they end up wearing something they love, that photographs well, and that they’re totally comfortable in.  These are hardworking outfits!

Promise it doesn’t have to be stressful and can actually be really, REALLY fun.

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"It's a feeling."

One of the best ways I've heard my work described.

It's like a dream you can't quite get back to, but you know was so so good because when you woke up you had a smile on your face, and you keep trying desparately to remember all of the vivid details you can be present in that in-between state for just a little more  - the warmth of being together, the sounds, the laughter...the feelings.

Here's more on what our work together could be.