Here’s a big secret.
I have used for our Christmas cards the past two years, and they are always lovely. I won’t say they always look the best of the bunch, but if you want to go ahead and say it for me, I won’t stop you. Ha.
The paper quality is so good, and the designs show up the competition every year. Hands down.
So, what seems like many months ago, when I saw that Minted was holding a competition for their 2011 Holiday Top Model Contest, I submitted photos of several past clients in the hopes my photography would be featured as examples on their site with this year’s new stash of card choices.
And it is.
(click the images to view the cards on
There are so many beautiful, happy families on cards this year. Such an honor to have some of you represented, as well.
Now, don’t steal the best card design or I won’t tell you anything ever again.
Also, it’s the PERFECT time to schedule your family’s holiday card photo session this year. Fall dates are filling up very quickly. Contact me! Soon.