I feel like Ang and I could talk for hours (and hours and hours and hours) about the reality of being a work-at-home mom. We are fortunate to pursue passions that make us feel connected and driven and accomplished, and simultaneously, we get to experience the joy of being present for the little magical moments of childhood that aren’t created but just are…it’s not anything we do, but just being. Being the one that fills the sippy cups, fixes hair bows, builds block towers, reaches for the snacks, takes the long walk route, celebrates potty victories, reads extra books before nap time, kisses and hugs and pats and marvels at our children while the world hustles by.
We get to do all of that, and yet, there are days when there really is zero feeling of balance and work deadlines creep in and stress escalates,
and all of those little moments that we painstakingly longed for while we were working at full-time jobs when our oldest were in daycare,
well, they go unnoticed.
The way she describes it hits me right in the heart.
“I’ve always thrived by chasing the hustle, by seeking to do and accomplish, by go-go-going.
And then I had children.
Now, I find myself in this constant state of wanting to do it all and wanting to do absolutely nothing.
It’s a daily balance of trying to maintain (and sometimes rediscover) my personal identity, while preserving the everyday moments with my children. I am acutely aware of how quickly this stage of life is moving, and it’s these moments of nothing where I find myself most relaxed, grounded, and truly soaking in motherhood and its fleeting moments of caring for young children.”
This is the exact reason I created this session. We’re all doing, doing, doing, and these moments are going, going, going gone.
There will always be deadlines and to-do lists, but just being should always be our priority.
Thank you all for sharing my excitement as I debuted this new type of session in collaboration with Wichita Moms Blog.
I can’t wait to preserve these moments in time for you and your littles.